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Who can use it?
Patients with growth hormone deficiency
Patients recovery from a serious injury
Patients looking to feel and look more youthful


CELTROPE – 100IU is a subcutaneous (beneath the skin) injection that is easy to use at home, and comes with detailed instructions for administration. This product is an injectable medication, so please use it under the guidance of medical professional. Each pack contains a 30-day supply of the hormone, with a recommended dosage of one injection per day. We take pride in our pharmaceutical-grade products, which are thoroughly tested for quality and purity, so you can trust that you’re getting a safe and effective supplement.

CELTROPE – 100IU helps to stimulate growth and cell reproduction, leading to increased muscle mass, reduced body fat, improved bone density, and a boost in energy levels. This product is especially recommended for people who have growth hormone deficiency, pituitary dysfunction, HGH deficiency, and age-related decline in HGH. It is also frequently used by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance performance and speed up recovery time.


HGH and Peptides

Growth hormones and peptides are a class of performance-enhancing drugs that have become increasingly popular in the United States in recent years. These products are designed to mimic the effects of naturally-occurring hormones in the body, and are used to help promote muscle growth, improve athletic performance, and increase overall physical fitness.

Human growth hormone (HGH) is one of the most popular growth hormones used in the U.S. It is a protein hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain and is responsible for cell growth and regeneration. Injectable HGH is often used by athletes and bodybuilders to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and improve recovery time after workouts. It is also used to treat conditions such as growth hormone deficiency and aging-related decline in HGH.

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is another growth hormone that is commonly used in the U.S. It is similar in structure to insulin and plays a role in cell growth and division. IGF-1 is often used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and improve recovery time. It can also be used to treat conditions such as growth hormone deficiency and wasting conditions such as cancer and AIDS.

Peptides are a class of drugs that are similar in structure to proteins and are made up of chains of amino acids. Some of the most popular peptides used in the U.S. include growth hormone releasing peptides (GHRPs) and growth hormone secretagogues (GHSs). These peptides are designed to stimulate the pituitary gland to release more HGH, leading to increased muscle mass, improved athletic performance, and faster recovery times.

It is important to remember that growth hormones and peptides are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the United States and their use is considered illegal, except for medical use under prescription of licensed medical practitioner. Many of these products are obtained through illegal sources, and their purity, quality, and dosage cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, the use of these products can lead to serious health risks, including organ damage, decreased fertility, and increased risk of cancer. It is always recommended to consult a medical professional before taking any kind of hormone or peptide supplement.




How it Works?

  • Introducing CELTROPE - 100IU (Somatropin rDNA Origin Injection), a pharmaceutical-grade human growth hormone (HGH) supplement designed to help you achieve your fitness and wellness goals.
  • This powerful hormone is synthesized using recombinant DNA technology and is identical to the naturally-occurring HGH produced by the body.
  • CELTROPE - 100IU helps to stimulate growth and cell reproduction, leading to increased muscle mass, reduced body fat, improved bone density, and a boost in energy levels.
  • This product is especially recommended for people who have growth hormone deficiency, pituitary dysfunction, HGH deficiency, and age-related decline in HGH.
  • It is also frequently used by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance performance and speed up recovery time.
Happy Customers


De toekomstige centerback van de Reds werd geboren op 8 juli 1991 in het zuiden van Nederland (Breda), in het gezin van televisiemaker Ron en voormalig politieagent Hellen. De jongen kreeg zijn exotische uiterlijk van zijn moeder, een inwoner van Suriname (Zuid-Amerika), maar het was zijn vader die hem de liefde voor voetbal bijbracht – hij was het die zijn zoon naar een kindersportschool bracht en hem meenam naar alle voetbalwedstrijden. In 2003 scheidde Ron van zijn vrouw en liet drie kinderen achter – Virgil, zijn broer Jordan en zus Jennifer. De oudste zoon woonde een tijdje bij zijn vader, maar verbrak al snel alle relaties met hem en keerde terug naar zijn moeder. Vrienden en familieleden zeggen dat Virgil zijn vader nooit heeft vergeven voor het verlaten van het gezin en sindsdien is er vrijwel geen contact meer tussen hen geweest. toont echte toewijding en zorg voor zijn moeder, aan wie hij onlangs een nieuw huis gaf, zegt zijn oom Stephen: “De waarheid is dat zijn vader er niet was voor zoveel belangrijke jaren, en het is zijn moeder die de echte held van dit verhaal is… en de man niet de Kerstman, en gaat geen auto’s geven aan familieleden die hij nauwelijks kent. Virgil is slim en staat met beide benen op de grond en ik weet zeker dat hij een legende wordt in de Engelse Premier League.” Door een te snelle groei begonnen problemen met stress op de knieën, de 15-jarige jongen moest de voetbaltraining een tijdje opgeven, de jongeman deed de afwas in een plaatselijk restaurant voor 2,50 pond per uur en droomde ervan om weer te gaan sporten. Dit lukte pas 3 jaar later – Dijk tekende zijn eerste profcontract bij Groningen, toen hij al volwassen was.